Area 32 is by comparison to others in Toastmasters, a fairly small area. We have 4 Clubs in our region and one of these is a brand spanking new ‘geographically fluid’ Club. This Club, Leaders by Design is an advanced Club open to members who have or are serving as a District officer.

Mt Sheridan, Mareeba and Innisfail are our area’s mainstays and we are more than happy to welcome this new advanced Club. We look forward to begging and borrowing their expertise and experience. With youthful impudence we also look forward to giving this Club of seasoned speakers a run for their money in competition.

This year we acknowledge a range of achievements in area 32. Innisfail has reached the tremendous milestone of maturity in celebrating 40 years as a Club. Mareeba is celebrating 15 years being established and relishing its teen rebellion. Mt Sheridan is celebrating the fact that it has survived the terrible two’s and infancy stage and is heading towards its 5th Birthday. Leaders by Design is celebrating its inception and chartering as a Club. Altogether, the Area, last Toastmaster’s year, achieved the remarkable accomplishment of becoming a President’s Distinguished Area.

Innisfail is celebrating their Bday with a lunch

Where                       Roscoes Restaurant

Date                Sunday 20 September 2009

When             11.30am – 2.00pm.

What               23 dish buffet and a speechfest

Cost                $28.70 per person.

Contact          please contact Ellen asap, ph 40612617 or                  

All Clubs are invited! Let’s help them celebrate!!


Innisfail is preparing for a year of exciting growth and development. With new President Christer Lindee at the helm, Innisfail is already in the throws of changing its venue so members can enjoy their meetings over dinner. Members are also in the process of getting their Club website established and revising their programmes to incorporate interesting new formats. Guests are always welcome and are becoming a regular feature of their meetings. Contact Ellen at for details!


At the last meeting in Mareeba, there were 14 in attendance. It probably won’t be long before they too will have to consider whether their venue will be big enough to contain the numbers interested in joining. Mareeba offers true country style hospitality with a band of close knit members who open their hearts, minds and considerable wit to others who wish to join them on the journey to better communication skills. While Mareeba may seem like a long way to some, you would have to travel long and hard to hear better jokes than from Wendy Bryde, or more humorous tales than from Peter Lavers, or more inspiring ‘off the cuff’ talks than from Fran Hynes. Treat yourself to a night to remember and visit them if you live in or are in the area. Contact Bronwen at

Mt Sheridan

Mt Sheridan is undergoing a growth spurt at present with 24 members on the books and a regular gaggle of guests. While some Toastmasters Clubs attract an older age bracket, Mt Sheridan has an expanding membership of under 35’s with a strong presence of young and upcoming professionals, business people with inquiring minds – interested in the sciences, technology, psychology, concerned with modern day issues and seeking more eloquent ways of expressing themselves. No topic is sacred or out of bounds other than by decree of good taste and common sense. Each meeting is a lesson of discovery. Contact Nicky at

Leaders By Design

As mentioned this advanced Club is comprised of Toastmasters members who are or have already performed officer roles at District level. Currently this Club meets at or around the time of significant events on the Toastmasters calendar in order to capture the biggest pool of its members’ attendance. So far, its monthly meetings have been held in Cairns, Brisbane and Marcoola at the Sunshine Coast. As an advanced Club they plan to stretch the capabilities of those who already have considerable speaking and leadership experience. For further information contact Lesley at

Toastmasters years span from end of June to end of June (like our financial years). This next year promises to be a corker!! Stay tuned!