Anne McKinnon, Area 32 Governor confirmed that this year’s Area Conference will be held at TNQIT in Tropics Restaurant, Gatton St due to the generous sponsoring of the event by TNQIT’s Director Joann Pyne.
Joann Pyne’s name may be well know to the region because her father is, of course, our city’s once incumbent Mayor, Tom Pyne and her brother is our current independent councillor, Robert Pyne who has also lent our Club considerable support with his newsletter and personal appearance at our Club meeting. From a TAFE perspective however, this event is worthy of sponsoring due to the opportunities it affords in better communication skills. While often demanded, communication skills do not always meet the demand. The need for continous improvement is ever present and this is a Toastmasters’ mission!
We are most grateful for this support, but also appreciative of the momentum that this adds to our aim of making public speaking a more accessible skill to all who desire it!
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