Toastmasters World Champion Speaker 2005, Lance Miller, returns to Cairns on Friday 17th June.  He will be presenting a talk on “Promoting Your Business Through Public Speaking” at the Splash Offices – upstairs at the Pier Complex – from 3pm to 5pm.  Entrance fee is $20.

Lance is an endearing speaker from California with a swag of tips and personal revelations that make his talks entertaining, humorous and rewarding.  His sincerity and natural style is speckled with a wealth of experience.  There will be gems of information to help you develop your speaking style, as well as practical insights about his topic.

Mt Sheridan Toastmasters are disappointed that Lance will not be able to make it to our meeting on Thursday 16th June.  Unfortunately his flight schedule has been changed.  Lance is keen to re-visit our Great Barrier Reef, so we have this unique opportunity to see a Champion in action.  I wonder if he’s mastered speaking underwater yet!