Our members at Cairns Speakers work through projects designed to incrementally build on their previous skills. We use rapid speech writing techniques including mind maps and learn how to write speech structures for professional presentations, humorous stories and inspirational keynotes.
At every meeting one of our members will act as the MC and work through the run sheet in a similar manner to an MC at a real event. They are responsible for rousing the audience, leading applause, adjusting timings of speeches and keeping the meeting running efficiently.
Practical, honest and motivational feedback is the cornerstone of the Toastmasters program. Every role we undertake is evaluated, and we in turn learn how to deliver evaluations. Speakers who have been in Toastmasters for some time often say they miss evaluations when they are giving speeches in the real world as they are hugely beneficial to ones growth.
For many people networking is a necessary but unpleasant part of their job. Striking up a meaningful conversation with strangers is both challenging and daunting. At Cairns Speakers we practice thinking on our feet at every meeting during a segment called Table Topics.
We regularly practice holding formal business meetings specifically to train in meeting procedure. These skills have helped our members influence the outcomes at creditors meetings, hold board positions and speak before a hostile audience.